Women who <>GIVE<>GIVE<>GIVE<>(and still take care of themselves) #6: Darcy Ottey
In this interview series, we'll hear from powerful women who give, give, give. In our short chats together we discuss how they are giving of their hearts to this world AND how they take care of themselves in the midst of all that output.
Each woman has some special tips for you to apply to your own life as you pour your heart into your life's purpose.
This powerful interview is with Darcy Ottey, a magical woman who brings Rights of Passage ceremonies into the modern world. She works with people who are disconnected from their ancestral roots to give them a sense of place in the modern world.
Today learn about:
How she continues to use her experience, of being out in the wild by herself for 24 hours at age 13, to guide her today.
Why remembering she's a channel for the universe is a go-to self care practice for her.
How remembering she doesn't have to do anything to be worthy of life is like a reset button.
Some excellent questions to ask yourself as you are finding your way in times of anxiety or depression.
Darcy truly is a special woman and you can find out more about her and the work she does at: http://riteofpassagejourneys.org/
We'd love to hear from you! Let us know in the comments, what is life calling from you and what's the fear in answering that call?